Words from my Journal

I go back and read my journals written while in Africa from time to time to spur on thoughts, blogs and new writings. Most of the time, I take my thoughts from these journals and re-write them into something that is a bit more coherent; not just the excited ramblings that much of my journal entries can be. But today I came across two entries that I had to share verbatim for your reading pleasure, (it's okay to laugh - I did!!)

December 19, 2007 8:09am - Day two – Kruger National Park

"Africa makes me a stronger person but first she breaks me down to the core as she began to do last night as I sat on the veranda of my hut overlooking the Olifants River. The tears I shed here in Africa are like flushing the toilet of life to rid myself of the wastes. The unnecessary worries, thoughts and stresses go flushing down the drain and only good happy thoughts remain."

December 22, 2007 5:04am – Day five – Kruger National Park

"There is always some elephant on the road of life that you just can’t go around; that you must face. Today it’s the real deal – not a metaphor. And he is a huge bull elephant with no intention of moving off of this road. I will just wait…, and wait…, and wait some more.  It's an hour later and I'm still waiting all alone here on this road..., just me and this big ass elephant.  Another thirty minutes have passed - what is he doing, sleeping?"

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