Bones From a Kill

In 2009 I visited Kruger National Park for what I just realized was my seventh time. I am astonished that I have become so familiar with Kruger that, on occasion, I stop roadside and realize the very sight I am seeing, I remember distinctly from a past visit. To be as amazed as I you have to know this park covers 7,332 square miles!


In 2007 I came upon a beautiful pond that was overflowing because of recent rains that left the sky a dull blue making the colors of the ground and trees stand out even more than usual. I was struck by the sight and took a few photos. In 2009, I was back in the park and stopped to look at a pond using my binoculars to see if any animals were present. I put down my binoculars and really looked at this place and took a few photos because I knew deep inside it was the same pond I had been so stuck with before and wanted to compare when I got home to make sure my memory wasn’t playing tricks. It indeed was the same pond.


In 2009 I went to Punda Maria camp in the far north of the park. It was my third visit to this camp; the first back in 2002 for lunch, the second in 2008 to stay in hut number one for two glorious nights and the third in 2009 staying in a fixed tent which was the ultimate visit to this camp. When I was there in 2008 I had the good fortune of watching a male lion eat on a buffalo carcass. For two days I drove to the location and sat for hours watching him devour that carcass keeping it from awaiting vultures, jackals and hyena. He had it stashed inside a mound of thorn bushes to protect it when he was napping. In 2009, exactly a year later, on the drive up to Punda Maria on the H13-1 main road I was remembering this event from the year before when, to my great astonishment, I came upon the bones from that kill. Again, I took photos not believing it could be true, but when I returned home to my computer it was indeed the same location and those were without doubt the bones from that buffalo.

Lion (left under the green shrub) with kill 2008

I love Kruger National Park so much. Kruger is a gift to South Africans and a gift to us too who happen to live on the other side of the world but get the great privilege to visit time and time again.

Bones from the kill 2009

I can’t wait until the next time to see what I can see new and again!

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