Need Some African Chill

Airports, hotels, rental car facilities, hustle and bustle; it’s what one experiences when traveling in the States on a regular basis as I do; sometime week after week.  The frustrations come frequently and the true comforts are rare.  Some weeks it seems everything is a hassle. 

Recently, while rushing around in my rental car in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida I had a memory that made me smile.  It was several years ago.  I had flown from Atlanta, Georgia to Johannesburg, South Africa then got a well needed night’s sleep at a lovely bed and breakfast.  The next day - relaxed and feeling the laid back African way slowly injecting itself into my veins - I arrived back at the Johannesburg airport where I boarded a flight to Nelspruit, South Africa.  From there I was to rent a car and drive into the Kruger National Park.  My South African booking agent had sent me vouchers showing I had prepaid for each activity, accommodation and transportation.   After landing among the lush hills of Nelspruit, I walked from the plane into the quaint airport smelling the recent rains and blooming spring flowers.  I smiled knowing I was another step closer to Kruger. 

Landing at the Nelspruit Airport
Once inside the airport I gathering my backpack from the carousel then passed through the security forces out into the open area of the Nelspruit airport, which reminds me of a train station; a wide and long passageway with tall rounded ceilings housing a couple of shops, restaurants and the rental car windows.  I walked up to my rental car counter and formally greeted the gentleman behind the counter.  (In Africa it is proper to acknowledge and appropriately greet people before proceeding with business.)  I then handed the man my voucher.  He proceeded to punch some information into his computer then made mention that he didn’t show my reservation as prepaid.  My shoulders slumped as my high from being in Nelspruit, so close to Kruger, receded thinking I was about to face a “situation”.   After that comment the man took my driver’s license and punched a few more things into his computer then walked away from the counter.  He came back to the counter with keys which he handed me and said, “Your car is in slot C7.  I hope you will enjoy your stay in South Africa.”  I was kind of stunned.  I said, “What about the fact you don’t show my reservation prepaid?”  The man replied, “Miss Atkinson.  You have given me your voucher.  That concludes your responsibility.   I shall take that matter up with your booking agent.  Your only responsibility now is to relax and enjoy your holiday.”  And with that I was dismissed. 

I stood there for several minutes in complete astonishment; almost let down as I had prepared for a battle that didn’t take place.  I had trained for the marathon I didn’t run.  I had… oh you get the point.  In the States that would have been a “situation” for sure.  In South Africa, it was dealt with in South African fashion.  It’s part of my great love for Africa.  Things are just handled.  Mountains aren’t made of mole hills.  In Africa I am reminded to chill and leave all of my high strung ways of travel far behind and take on my only responsibility while there which is simply to enjoy each day. 

It’s been a long busy year.  Not to worry though, my next African journey has been booked and is looming on the horizon.  I am looking forward to once again being reminded to relax, smell the spring flowers and enjoy my well-earned holiday!

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