April 27th - Freedom Day in South Africa

In Kruger reading "My Heart is in Africa" - How appropriate!

Eighteen years ago on April 27th South Africa – a country that is like a second home to me – held its first multiracial elections, marking the end of apartheid.  Exactly 19,726,579 South Africans went to the polls to vote, crippling the system with the unexpected turnout.  People slept in the open while in line waiting – some for days - for their turn to help change the future of South Africa.  And although there was violence, out of frustration from polling places running out of paper for which to cast votes and between the rival party members, the election was deemed fair.  On May 10, 1994 Nelson Mandela gave his inaugural speech as he accepted the Presidency.  Here is an excerpt:

Favorite Lion Photo - South Africa
…Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity’s belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.  All this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today.  To my compatriots, I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soul of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld.  Each time one of us touches the soil of this land, we feel a sense of personal renewal…

 I too feel a sense of personal renewal every time I touch the soil of South Africa.  South Africa was the country I chose to go to when I needed my life break back in 2001.  I spent months relishing in her beauty and serenity.  I have been back time and time again when the need for personal renewal arises.

The view from my backyard - Knysna, South Africa

Today South Africa still has issues.  The crime rate is extraordinarily high, corruption in the government is reportedly rampant, HIV/Aids is killing a generation of her people and the unemployment rate is near twenty-five percent.  Those are the facts today as they were when I was there for my extended stay in 2001.  Regardless, beauty is abound in South Africa from the lush hills around the southern parts of Kruger National Park with its amazing wildlife to the arid deserts of the Kalahari, the rocky coastal regions around Knysna - the town I lived in for a short time - and down to the spectacular views of one of the most scenic cities of the world; Cape Town.  And there is much beauty in her people too.  I have been so fortunate to meet many, all of whom have treated me with respect, warmth and generosity always sharing a smile and wanting to make sure I enjoy my time in their country. 

I miss South Africa when I go too long without seeing her; like a best friend I had to move away from and don’t see often enough.

April 27th is a national holiday in South Africa – Freedom Day – to commemorate the first post-apartheid elections.  I wish all my South African friends a day of reflection, peace, joy, and laughter!  You will be in my thoughts on this day as with so many of my days.

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