Self Portraits in Kruger

The elephant was in the perfect place just off the road on my, the driver’s side of the car. I was attempting to get my annual Kruger National Park self-portrait with an elephant in the background, after all it was my desire to see elephants in the wild that took me to Africa in the first place so many years and trips ago, (although a plethora of things draw me back again and again).

2007 - The Sneaky One!

This particular elephant was a large lone male. He is peacefully grazing, making the perfect backdrop for a photo. I positioned the car just ahead of the elephant and left the motor running and the car in drive…, just in case. I pulled out my camera. With my left arm extended and the camera pointed hopefully at me with the elephant in the background, I snapped a shot then reviewed it but it was not good enough so I deleted it. It’s just me in the car so I can take and retake the shot until I am satisfied.

2008 From a Safer Distance
The elephant moved a bit so I repositioned the car and tried it again; smile and click and review and delete. Once again I repositioned the car for the optimal shot and this time clicked several shots in a row before reviewing. I was deep in thought analyzing the photos one by one when all of a sudden there was a loud trumpet that vibrated my car. I jerked my head towards the noise to find the elephant right at my window; he too looking at the photos and probably not liking what he saw because he was not happy with this photographer. Without a moment to spare, I hit the gas and was out of there - my heart beating out of my chest. I drove for a while; until my heartbeat slowed then pulled off onto a dirt road and sat. I looked all around me to make sure there were no animals, (particularly elephants) around before reviewing the photos again; one of them would have to do….

I still take the same shot each year, but now I look for an elephant that is a bit further in the distance.

2009 - Still keeping a Safe Distance...

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