Squirrely Monkeys

For those of you who have kept up with this blog and my wanderings in Africa, you know that I am afraid of monkeys after an attack at Lataba Camp in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. While in Kruger now, I am always on high alert for those cheeky creatures, but I was on special high alert when I wrote this journal entry since it was my first time back at Lataba since the attack!

Wednesday December 17, 2008 - 8:00 in the morning – Lataba Camp

I was sitting on the porch of my wonderful fixed tent #1 minding my own business, deep into my book and drinking a mimosa when I heard the repetitive grunts of an animal coming from right over my shoulder. I froze. My mind told me a monkey had snuck up on me and I was waiting for him to pounce. I closed my book and slowly turned in the direction of the noise. To my great relief it was only a squirrel. He sat on the railing of my tent looking me in the eyes very politely asking if I had anything to share; anything at all, his eyes questioned. Once I gathered my senses back and took a deep breath relieved not to see a monkey, I – out loud – said, “No sweet face. I cannot give you anything because if I do and the monkeys find out they will come too, but they will not be as polite as you are.” An expression of aggravation appeared on his tiny face as if to say, “Damn monkeys. They ruin everything.” And off he went.


  1. Just started reading your blogs. You are making me dream of going to Africa. Buying your book today. Keep 'em coming.

  2. OMG. Just read the monkey attack story. I'd be on high alert too!
